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Nick Terlau

The Power of Living by a "Life Is Too Short to Wait" Principle


Adopting the principle that "life is too short to wait" can bring about numerous benefits. This mindset encourages individuals to seize opportunities, embrace experiences, and strive for their goals without hesitation.

Benefits of Living by the Principle

1. Increased Fulfillment: Living by this principle allows individuals to prioritize activities and experiences that bring them joy and fulfillment. They waste less time on regrets and focus on creating a meaningful life.

2. Enhanced Confidence: Taking action and not waiting empowers individuals. They gain confidence in their abilities and develop a sense of accomplishment.

3. Time Optimization: By not waiting, individuals make the most of their time. They avoid procrastination and allocate their time efficiently to achieve their goals.

4. Reduced Stress: Waiting can create anxiety and stress. Living by this principle eliminates the pressure to conform to timelines and expectations, reducing overall stress levels.

How to Apply the Principle

1. Identify Your Goals: Clearly define what you want to achieve in life. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps.

2. Set Realistic Timelines: Establish timelines for achieving your goals, but be realistic about the time and effort required.

3. Take Action: Start working towards your goals immediately. Don't wait for perfect conditions or external circumstances.

4. Embrace Failure: View setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. Don't let failures deter you from continuing on your path.


Living by the principle that "life is too short to wait" empowers individuals to lead more fulfilling, confident, and time-optimized lives. Embrace this mindset and reap the benefits it has to offer.
